
H和s-on Learning 和 Professional Mentorship

Prepare to work in the 刑事司法 system in a program that is highly regarded by employers throughout the region. In the 刑事司法 Bachelor of 艺术 program at UNC, you’ll learn by doing, with the expert guidance of dedicated, caring faculty who include lawyers, sociologists, criminologists, public policy experts 和 former 侦探. Workshops are offered in such areas as crime scene investigation, forensic photography 和 blood stain pattern analysis. There are also internship 和 other learning opportunities with 刑事司法 agencies throughout the region: You can ride along with law enforcement officers, study crime rates 和 take part in mock panel interviews with working professionals in diverse 刑事司法 fields. At UNC, you’ll benefit from smaller classes, close mentorship 和 a more personalized 教育.


B.A. 刑事司法

In addition to the bachelor’s degree program, we offer a 15-credit Criminal Investigation undergraduate certificate program designed for both students 和 working professionals.



Our 18-credit minor provides a strong background in 刑事司法 和 is a valuable addition to a variety of majors at UNC.



Finding Answers to Complex Questions

As a 刑事司法 major at UNC, you’ll have many exciting 和 rewarding opportunities 在田间工作. Some of our students volunteer with probation offices to help juvenile offenders get back on track. Others work to open lines of dialogue between offenders 和 victims, to help find healing for both. Reading for Change, a new program in development, will work to maintain 和 strengthen bonds between inmates 和 their children through the reading of children’s literature.

“My two years with the UNC 刑事司法 program have brought me more 教育, experience, personal growth 和 satisfaction than I can express. 教授们鼓励 you to become actively involved in your learning 和 you are presented with every opportunity to make the most out of your college degree.” 

- Kamille McKinney, UNC 刑事司法 Student

你的未来 in 刑事司法

Gain the professional skills 和 knowledge to pursue a career or graduate study in 刑事司法. At UNC, you’ll work in a challenging but supportive learning environment enriched by experiential learning opportunities 和 guided by top faculty who are dedicated to helping you succeed.

Consider 刑事司法 if You...

  • Want to serve your community while gaining a deeper appreciation for diversity 和 公民自由
  • Enjoy working with people 和 solving problems
  • Prefer small classes with individual attention 和 close faculty mentorship


  • How the police, courts 和 corrections agencies serve to protect 和 preserve the social order in a free society
  • How to apply criminological theories 和 research methods in the field
  • The importance of ethics 和 cultural awareness in 刑事司法
  • Communication, critical thinking 和 problem-solving skills


  • 司法程序
  • 受害者的研究
  • Justice Professionalism 和 Ethics
  • Justice 研究 和 Statistics
  • 犯罪现场调查
  • 证据的摄影


When you earn your bachelor’s degree in 刑事司法 at UNC, you enter the job market with the skills 和 marketability a top program provides. 我们的项目有 exceptional graduation rate, 和 our graduates are highly sought by public, private 和 not-for-profit organizations in diverse areas of 刑事司法.

Where can your degree take you?

Our 刑事司法 Bachelor of 艺术 program is designed to prepare you for diverse 职业生涯. These are just a few of your options:

  • Community Corrections Counselor
  • 副警长
  • Federal Law Enforcement Agent
  • Juvenile Justice Professional
  • 防损专员
  • 警察
  • 缓刑、假释官
  • 受害者服务专员

In addition to 职业生涯 directly related to 刑事司法, the analytical 和 critical thinking skills you develop as a 刑事司法 major will prepare you for many other professional pathways, such as law, social work, teaching 和 communications 职业生涯.

为下一步做好准备? Here's what you need to know.

If there's anything else we can do, be sure to 与我们联系. 我们就在不远处.

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